Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration
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Lire la suiteBack to database Download the document: Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration
Lire la suiteBack to database Download the document: Act on the Register of Aliens
Lire la suiteBack to database Download the document: Legal Aid Act
Lire la suiteBack to database Download the document: The Act on the Integration of Immigrations and Reception of Asylum Seekers
Lire la suiteBack to database Download the document: Finnish Constitution
Lire la suiteBack to database Download the document: Social Welfare Act
Lire la suiteBack to database Download the document: Social Welfare Act
Lire la suiteBack to database Download the document: Act on the Status and Rights of the Customer of the Social Care
Lire la suiteBack to database Download the document: Act on Child Custody and Right of Access
Lire la suiteBack to database Download the document: Guardianship Services Act
Lire la suiteBack to database Download the document: Marriage Act
Lire la suiteBack to database Download the document: Children Welfare Act
Lire la suiteBack to database Download the document: Finnish Non-Discrimination Act
Lire la suiteBack to database Download the document: Personal Data Act
Lire la suiteBack to database Download the document: Aliens Act
Lire la suiteBack to database Download the document: Reception of Children on the Move in Finland
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Regulation on the Content and Format of Asylum Application Forms and Documents That May Be Issued
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Rules of the House at the Asylum Centre
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Constitution of The Republic of Serbia
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Law on Foreigners
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Special Protocol for Action of the Centre for Social Work- Custody Authority in Cases or Domestic
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: 2012 Findings of the Worst Forms of Child Labor
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: 2015 Findings of the Worst Forms of Child Labor
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: The Human Rights of Migrants and Refugees in the Republic of Serbia (focus on the right
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Strategy for Development of Adult Education in the Republic of Serbia
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Social Security Programs throughout the World: Europe, 2016, Serbia
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: The National Youth Strategy in the Republic of Serbia
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Action Plan for Implementation of the Strategy for Development of Education in the Republic of Serbia
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Unaccompanied and Separated Children in Serbia
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Education for Migrant Students in the Republic of Serbia: Legal Regulations
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: National Anti-Discrimination Laws
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Decreto 40:2000 – el reglamento de organizacion y funcionamiento de los centros de atencion a menores
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Estrategia Madrid Contra la Trata de Seres Humanos
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Decreto 88/1998 – el Estatuto de las Residencias de Atención a la Infancia y Adolescencia
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Protocolo de Menores Extranjeros No Acompanados
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Real Decreto 155/1996 – Reglamento de ejecuciôn de la Ley Organica
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Real Decreto 162/2014, reglamento de funcionamiento y régimen interior de los centros de internamiento de extranjeros.
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Sentencia Constitucional No 342/2005
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Sentencia No:452/20014, Civil 4522014
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: TSJ Andalucia No 982/2015
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Civil Code
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Decreto 93/2001 – Reglamento de Medidas de Proteccion Juridica del Menor en la Communidad Valenciana
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Real Decreto 557/2011 – sobre derechos y libertades de los extranjeros en España y su integración
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Decreto 355/2003 – Acogimento Residencial de Menores
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Protocol Marco 2014
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Protocol Marco Trata
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Sentencia 95/2003
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Ley Organica 12/2009 – sobre derechos y libertades de los extranjeros en España y su integración
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Codigo Cvil 1889
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Codigo Penal 1995
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Decreto Leislativo 1/2013 – Texto Refundido de la Ley General de derechos de las personas con
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Ley 12/2009; reguladora del derecho de asilo y de la protección subsidiaria
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Ley 15/2015 – Jurisdiccion Voluntaria
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: LEY ORGÁNICA 15/1999,de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal.
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Ley Organica 1/1996 – Protección Jurídica del Menor, de modificación parcial del Código Civil y de
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Ley Organica 4/2000 – sobre derechos y libertades de los extranjeros en España y su integración
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Ley Organica 5/2000 – reguladora de la responsabilidad penal de los menores
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Needs Assessment of the National Referral Mechanism for Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings in Ukraine
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Ministerial Regulation on Social Support to Children separated from their Parents
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Ministerial Regulation on Guardianship
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Ministerial Instruction Work with Children seeking asylum
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Ministerial Instruction on work with Children separated from their Parents who have claimed asylum
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Decree on support to the security of orphans and children in institutions
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Regulation N 1629/21941 on orphanages and institutions for children deprived of parental care
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Regulation on Age assessment of a child deprived of parental care and who needs social support
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Decree on Rules of Guardianship
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Comparative Study on Practices in the Field of Return of Minors
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Law on Social Protection of Children Without Parental Care
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Law on ratification, implementation and termination of international treaties
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Law on child Protection
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Law N 21/95-ВР on Organs and Services for Children in Special Institutions
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Criminal Code
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Constitution of Ukraine
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Civil Code
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Recommendation on Teaching vulnerable and refugee children
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Manual on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment
Lire la suiteBack to Database Download Circulaire relative au séjour des mineurs étrangers non accompagnés
Lire la suiteBack to Database Download UNICEF and other states v. Belgium
Lire la suiteBack to Database Download Recommendations sur la situation des mineurs étrangers non accompagnés
Lire la suiteBack to Database Download Tuteurs en Questions
Lire la suiteBack to Database Download Arrete Royal Titre XIII Chapitre VI Tutelle des mineurs etrangers non accompagnes
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Act 319/1996 – Confirmation on Status of Refugees
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Act 36/2005 – Family and on Amendments to Certain Acts
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Act 40/1993 – Citizenship of the Slovak Republic
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Act 180/2013 – Organization of Local Government
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Act 245/2008 – Education and Training
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Act 305/2005 – Social Protection of Children and Social Care
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Act 327/2005 – Legal Aid to People in Material Need
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Act 580/2004 – On Insurance and on Amendments to Certain Acts
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Act 404/2011 – Residence of Aliens and Amendment and Supplementation of Certain Acts
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Act 480/2002 – Asylum and Amendment of Some Acts
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Section 176–78 of the Code of Civil Procedure
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Constitution of the Slovak Republic
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Supreme Court Hearing ČAS: MU-814-40
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Integration Policy of the Slovak Republic
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: European Commission – Country Factsheet Slovakia
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Child and Youth Participation in the Slovak Republic
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Implementation of Council of Europe Convention on Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings by the Slovak
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