Law on Child Protection No 23
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Lire la suiteBack to database Download the document: Law on Child Protection
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Lire la suiteBack to database Download the document: Alternative Child Care and Deinstitutionalisation
Lire la suiteBack to database Download the document: Social Welfare Act
Lire la suiteBack to database Download the document: Social Welfare Act
Lire la suiteBack to database Download the document: Act on the Status and Rights of the Customer of the Social Care
Lire la suiteBack to database Download the document: Act on Child Custody and Right of Access
Lire la suiteBack to database Download the document: Guardianship Services Act
Lire la suiteBack to database Download the document: International Protection Act
Lire la suiteBack to database Download the document: Children Welfare Act
Lire la suiteBack to database Download the document: Reception of Children on the Move in Finland
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Lire la suiteBack to Database Download Ley No 8764 – General de Migración Extranjería
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Lire la suiteBack to database Download: 2012 Findings of the Worst Forms of Child Labor
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: 2015 Findings of the Worst Forms of Child Labor
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Lire la suiteBack to database Download: The National Youth Strategy in the Republic of Serbia
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Unaccompanied and Separated Children in Serbia
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Children and Young Persons Act
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Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Administration of Muslim Law Act
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Estrategia Madrid Contra la Trata de Seres Humanos
Lire la suiteBack to Database Download Decreto-Lei No. 2.848, de 7 de Dezembro de 1940: Código de Processo Penal
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Civil Code
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Decreto 93/2001 – Reglamento de Medidas de Proteccion Juridica del Menor en la Communidad Valenciana
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Codigo Cvil 1889
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Access to Justice for Children: Tunisia
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Country Profile of Tunisia
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Child Protection Code/ Le Code de la Protection de l’Enfant
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Child Protection Law No 5395
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Regulation on the Implementation of the Law on Foreigners and International Protections
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: A Guide for Interpreting and Applying National Quality Standards for Protection, Care, and Support of Orphans
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: National Strategy on Ending Child Marriage and Teenage Pregnancy
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Constitution of the Republic of Uganda
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Prevention of Persons from Trafficking Act of 2009
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Needs Assessment of the National Referral Mechanism for Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings in Ukraine
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Ministerial Regulation on Social Support to Children separated from their Parents
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Ministerial Instruction Work with Children seeking asylum
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Regulation N 1629/21941 on orphanages and institutions for children deprived of parental care
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Comparative Study on Practices in the Field of Return of Minors
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Law on Social Protection of Children Without Parental Care
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Law on child Protection
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Law N 21/95-ВР on Organs and Services for Children in Special Institutions
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Recommendation on Teaching vulnerable and refugee children
Lire la suiteBack to Database Download Levantamento Nacional das criancas e adolescentes em servico de acolhimento
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Standards for the custody, placement and care; legal representation; and adjudication of unaccompanied alien children in
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Children and Migration in Central and North America: Causes, Policies, Practices and Challenges
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Ninez y migración en Centro y Norte América: causas, políticas, prácticas y desafíos
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Public Law 107-296; Homeland Security Act of 2002
Lire la suiteBack to Database Download Levantamento Nacional de Abrigos para Criancas e adolescentes da rede sac
Lire la suiteBack to Database Download Os Abrigos Para Criancas e Adolescentes e o Direito a Convivencia Familiar E Comunitaria
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Unaccompanied Children in the United States: A literature review
Lire la suiteBack to Database Download O reconhecimento dos refugiados pelo Brasil
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: The Time is Now: understanding and addressing the protection of immigrant children who come alone to
Lire la suiteBack to Database Download Orientacoes Tecnicas para os Servicos de Acolhimento Para Criancas e Adolescentes
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Chapter 1: Representing Children in Immigration Matters
Lire la suiteBack to Database Download: Principio do melhor interesse da crianca: construcao teorica e aplicacao pratica no direito brasileiro
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Chapter 4: Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS)
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Immigration and You – Know Your Rights: Manual For Children and Youth 2014
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: The Flow of Unaccompanied Children Through the Immigration System: a resource for practitioners, policy makers, and
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Amendment Text: S.Amdt.1340 — s.744 Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: An Analysis of Treatment of Unaccompanied Immigrant and Refugee Children in Ins Detention and Other Forms
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Children on the Run: Unaccompanied Children Leaving Central America and Mexico and the Need for International
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: C.J.L.G., A Juvenile Male, Petitioner v. Jefferson B. Sessions III, Attorney General, Respondent Case No. 16-73801
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Jenny Lisette Flores, et al., v. Meese, Case no. CV 85-4544-RJK (Px)
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Dictamen 248
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Politica Nacional Para la ninez y la Adolescencia Costa Rica 2009-2021
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Modelo de Atencion Para la Condicion de Riesgo Inminente: departamento de atencion integral
Lire la suiteBack to Database Download Breves consideracoes sobre o principio do melhor interesse da crianca e do adolescente
Lire la suiteBack to Database Download Children, Youth and Families Act 2005
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Ley No 7648 Organica de Patronato Nacional de la Infancia
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Ley No 9095 Contra la trata de personas y creacion de la coalicion nacional contra el
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Ley No 7739 Codigo de la Ninez y la Adolescencia
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Ley No 4573 Codigo Penal
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Act 305/2005 – Social Protection of Children and Social Care
Lire la suiteBack to Database Download Children and Community Services Act 2004
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Act 480/2002 – Asylum and Amendment of Some Acts
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Section 176–78 of the Code of Civil Procedure
Lire la suiteBack to Database Download Children, Young Persons, and Their Families Act 1997
Lire la suiteBack to Database Download Children’s Protection Act 1993
Lire la suiteBack to Database Download Child Protection Act 1999
Lire la suiteBack to Database Download Care and Protection of Children Act
Lire la suiteBack to Database Download Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act
Lire la suiteBack to Database Download Child Migration
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Integration Policy of the Slovak Republic
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Child and Youth Participation in the Slovak Republic
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: The Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda of 2003 Revised in 2015
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Law N 54/2011 of 14/12/2011 – Law relating to the rights and the protection of the
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Law N 13/2009 of 27/05/2009 Regulating Labour in Rwanda
Lire la suiteBack to Database Download Unaccompanied Humanitarian Minors programme
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