Eradication of Criminal Act of Trafficking Persons No 21
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Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Protocol Marco Trata
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Lire la suiteBack to database Download: The Case for Legal Aid for Refugees in Tunisia
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Country Profile of Tunisia
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: A Guide for Interpreting and Applying National Quality Standards for Protection, Care, and Support of Orphans
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: 2017 Trafficking in Persons Report
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Prevention of Persons from Trafficking Act of 2009
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Needs Assessment of the National Referral Mechanism for Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings in Ukraine
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Comparative Study on Practices in the Field of Return of Minors
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Immigration and Nationality Act
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: 8 US Code 1232 – Enhancing efforts to combat trafficking of children
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: H.R. 7311 (110th): William Willberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Standards for the custody, placement and care; legal representation; and adjudication of unaccompanied alien children in
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: A Guide to Children Arriving at the Border: Laws, Policies and Responses
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: A Treacherous Journey: Child Migrants Navigating the U.S. Immigration System
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Children and Migration in Central and North America: Causes, Policies, Practices and Challenges
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Ninez y migración en Centro y Norte América: causas, políticas, prácticas y desafíos
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment: Consideration of reports submitted
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Unaccompanied Alien Children – Legal Issues: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Unaccompanied Alien Children: An Overview
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Unaccompanied alien children: current law governing removal from the United States and selected legislative proposals
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Update on Legal Relief Options for Unaccompanied Alien Children Following the Enactment of the William Wilberforce
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Unaccompanied Children in the United States: A literature review
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: The Time is Now: understanding and addressing the protection of immigrant children who come alone to
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Chapter 1: Representing Children in Immigration Matters
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Improving the protection and fair treatment of unaccompanied children: recommendations for the next administration
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Chapter 4: Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS)
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Ninez Migrante No Acompanada en la Región Norte y Centroamérica: Honduras, El Savador, Guatemala, México y
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Child Migrants to the United States
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Immigration and You – Know Your Rights: Manual For Children and Youth 2014
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Office of Refugee Resettlement Sponsor Handbook
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Children Entering the United States Unaccompanied: Section 3
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Children Entering the United States Unaccompanied: Section 2
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Children Entering the United States Unaccompanied: Section 1
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: The Flow of Unaccompanied Children Through the Immigration System: a resource for practitioners, policy makers, and
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: H.R. 296; Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Unaccompanied Child Migrants in U.S. Communities, Immigration Court, and Schools: Issue Brief
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Amendment Text: S.Amdt.1340 — s.744 Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Public Law 113-4; Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Fiscal Year 2016 ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations Report
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Protecting Unaccompanied Alien Children from Trafficking and Other Abuses: The Role of the Office of Refugee
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Children on the Run: Unaccompanied Children Leaving Central America and Mexico and the Need for International
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: The United States Unaccompanied Refugee Minor Program: Guiding principles and promising practices
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Neglect and Abuse of Unaccompanied Immigrant Children by U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Legal Protections for Unaccompanied Minors in the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2008
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Guide to Establishing the Asylum Eligibility of Human Trafficking and Forced Marriage
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Pro Bono Asylum Representation Manual: An Overview of Asylum Law & Procedure
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Politica Nacional Para la ninez y la Adolescencia Costa Rica 2009-2021
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Decreto No.36659-G para la aplicacion de la ley general de migracion y extranjeria no 8764
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Trafficking in Persons Report 2017-Costa Rica
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Modelo de Atencion Para la Condicion de Riesgo Inminente: departamento de atencion integral
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Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Ley No 9095 Contra la trata de personas y creacion de la coalicion nacional contra el
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Act 180/2013 – Organization of Local Government
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: European Commission – Country Factsheet Slovakia
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Implementation of Council of Europe Convention on Action Against Trafficking in Human Beings by the Slovak
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Annual Report on Migration and Asylum Policies Slovak Republic
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Policies, practices and data on unaccompanied minors in 2014 – contribution of the Slovak Republic
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Law N 54/2011 of 14/12/2011 – Law relating to the rights and the protection of the
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Law N 01/2012/OL of 02/05/2012 Organic Law Instituting the Penal Code
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Law N 13/2009 of 27/05/2009 Regulating Labour in Rwanda
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: Law N 32/2016 of 28/08/2016 Governing Persons and Family
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: The National Human Rights Action Plan for Rwanda
Lire la suiteBack to Database Download A World Fit For Us: The Children’s Statement from the UN Special Session on Children
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: National Integrated Childs Right Policy
Lire la suiteBack to Database Download Children and Young People Act
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: National Policy Against Gender-Based Violence
Lire la suiteBack to Database Download No. 62 Migration Act
Lire la suiteBack to database Download: National Policy for Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children
Lire la suiteBack to Database Download 2011 Trafficking in Persons Report
Lire la suiteBack to the Database Download: Practical Measures for Reducing Irregular Migration
Lire la suiteBack to Database Download: The Criminal Code of Finland
Lire la suiteBack to Database Download: Ley-137-03
Lire la suiteBack to Database Download: NEW_DraftBillofLawonProtection (1)
Lire la suiteBack to Database Download: Needs Assessment of the National Referral Mechanism for Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings in Ukraine Assessment
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